I often work with people who do not know themselves; experience deep feelings of emptiness, dread, shame, and/or a diffuse sense of their multiple identities; suffer with anxieties, fears and phobias; have difficulties around sex, their sexuality and/or gender; suffer with physical ailments not otherwise explained by medicine; issues with body image, and those struggling with their eating.
I also work with people who have worked both with and as sex workers and with those who patronize sex workers, persons who are attracted to minors, and those whose sexually maladaptive behavior has caused disruption in their lives. This includes those with legal involvement.
My style is marked by a deep openness to experience and a revisiting of emotions and memories in a non-judgmental and collaborative environment. In this jointly created space, we’ll work toward possible goals such as: stopping repetitive destructive behaviors, achieving satisfying relationships, and reaching your creative, emotional and professional potential.
My clinical training includes a Master of Social Work from New York University during which I was trained at Fundación Aiglé in the Argentine Model of Integrative Psychotherapy. I have post-graduate training in Parent-Infant Nonverbal Communication with Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D., Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, and Eating Disorders, Compulsions, and Addictions from the William Alanson White Institute, and in psychoanalysis from the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR) and Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association.
I am currently a psychoanalytic candidate at Pulsion – The International Institute of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychosomatics, and training at the Sexual Health Certificate Program at the University of Michigan, Sex Therapy and Sexuality Education track.
Aside from clinical work, I maintain an ongoing interest and connection with the arts and humanities and have completed a Master of Arts in Performance Studies from NYU Tisch School of the Arts.
I have lived, studied, and worked cross-culturally in Israel, Brazil, and Argentina. I speak Portuguese and English fluently, am conversational in Spanish and French, and am currently learning Levantine and Modern Standard Arabic.
Should you want to schedule a consultation, contact me at bbatistatherapy@gmail.com.