Jenny Kurland

I came to the work of therapy because I find people compelling; their stories, their joys, their pain and the ways that they navigate life. Sometimes life is really joyous and other times it’s quite difficult. Often it’s a combination. During any of these times therapy can be helpful to figure out what’s working for you and what isn’t, or to help support you through grief, loss, or transition.

I work with adults, adolescents, children and parents. Adults often come to me during times of change, or seeking help with anxiety and depression. During times of uncertainty many find therapy helpful in managing anxiety and reclaiming a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Parents bring their children to me for a range of reasons. Often children’s emotions manifest in challenging behavior at home or at school. I frequently see children with anxiety, depression, ADHD, difficulties with peers or siblings, or who are acting out in other ways. When parents are facing conflict in their relationships or getting divorced they often seek a therapist to help their child with difficult feelings.

I’m happy to speak with you about what you’re looking for in a therapist. Whether or not we end up working together I’d be happy to help you clarify what you might find helpful.

Feel free to reach out to me at or at 347-504-1789.